Episode 013: Climate Change and Racism

Shana sat down this week with Cole Goodman. Cole is a community activist and local elected official from Dauphin County. Cole currently serves as an elected member of the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee representing Dauphin County. Goodman serves as one of the youngest members of the Executive Board of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party and is also the political director of the Digital Consulting group, Unmasked Media. Cole specializes in civic engagement and youth activism to bring structural change to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States.

This week Shana talked with Cole Goodman about the inextricable connection between climate change and racism. Together they talked about how climate change and environmental issues systematically affect poor, black, and brown communities the most. This can be seen in coastal communities in places like Louisiana, where Cole grew up. Together, Cole and Shana discussed how systematic racism has helped to exacerbate climate change throughout our society around the world in countries like Kiribati already underwater to the Marshall Islands written off during key international treaties like the Paris Agreement.

We all need to vote in this very important election on November 3rd! Here in Pennsylvania, you have until October 19th to register to vote, October 27th is the last day to request your mail-in ballot and must be postmarked before November 3rd to count. Don’t forget if you decide to vote in person, Election Day is November 3rd. Polls in Pennsylvania are open from 7 am-8 pm. If you would like to register to vote or request your mail-in ballot, please go to votespa.com.


“We all need to use our voice and vote for a more just future and inhabitable planet in every election, especially this November!”


Episode 014: What is Pennsylvania’s Rural Bill of Rights?


Episode 012: What is Hydraulic Fracturing?